Individuals may purchase health insurance directly from the insurance companies with broker assistance without getting involved with HHS or CMS.
We can help you obtain quotes and enroll online with various carriers off the Exchange.
Individuals may purchase health insurance directly from the insurance companies with broker assistance without getting involved with HHS or CMS.
We can help you obtain quotes and enroll online with various carriers off the Exchange.
If you think you qualify for a subsidy, you can obtain quotes and enroll online.
Premium Subsidies | Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) | CHIPS (Children’s Health Insurance Program)
Insured-scheduled benefit plan that pays the average cash price directly to providers and pharmacies at the time of service. Member can see any licensed healthcare provider – $2,000,000 annual maximum available – full transparency – plans may be as much as 40% less expensive than comparable major medical plans.
If you have a business entity with two fulltime owners or one common-law employee, small group plans provide access to PPO network insurance plans.
Medi-Share – Since 1993 – Paid over 1.1 billion dollars in healthcare costs. It is not insurance – Medi-Share members share each other’s healthcare costs. Your monthly share amount depends on age, health, and number of participating family members. There are limitations for sharing pre-existing medical conditions. You may request a preliminary determination to find out if a current medical condition is eligible for sharing.
New Application | Statement of Faith | Medi-Share Guidelines | Provider Search
HealthiestYou – Connect to a doctor, get treated, and get prescriptions, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week over the phone or via the mobile app. 70% of doctors’ visits can be avoided simply by using virtual care. Save time and money.
First Dollar-Lump Sum – Coverage for Critical Illness and Accidents.